Dragonfly Publishing, Inc. Home

Dragonfly Publishing


Established in 2001, Dragonfly Publishing, Inc. (DFP) specializes in genre fiction, non-fiction, and children's picture books.

Paperback and hardback editions are print-on-demand (POD) available through Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Lulu, and more. eBooks are available in Kindle MOBI and industry standard EPUB.

The DFP Books label includes: Arts & Crafts, Fantasy, Juvenile, Non-Fiction, Paranormal, Poetry & Drama, Romance, Science Fiction, Thriller, Western, and Young Adult.

The Kittycat Books label offers children's picture books in print and ebook. Editions vary by title and vendor.

Find both catalogs inside the DFP Books catalog website. Read about each title, find sales links, read about authors, read excerpts (on fiction titles), read reviews, watch videos on-site, and more.

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